Tel: +30 2397061000
Asprovalta, Greece

Terms and Conditions

  1. Merchant ID
    1. Hellenic Hotel Chamber Number:
    3. Tax Identification Number: 116533096
    4. Prefecture of Thessaloniki
    5. Municipality: Volvis
    6. Region: Asprovalta
    7. ZIP: 57021

From now on, for the sake of brevity, it will be called “the business”.

  1. Use of the Website
    1. By continuing to use the website, you declare that you accept these terms and conditions of use.
    2. Terms are subject to change without notice to consumers. In any case, the amended terms will not apply retroactively..
    3. This website is aimed at both consumers and professional traders.
  2. Purpose of the Website
    1. These terms and conditions apply to the provision of hotel services, as well as the collection of personal data from the use of the website
    2. This website is intended solely to promote the services of the website.
    3. The relevant legal institutions apply for reservations
  3. Accuracy of images and services
    1. The consumer should in any case seek more information on the details of the services and facilities by contacting the company directly.
    2. The Company is not responsible for any discrepancy between the available image of the rooms and services and the actual situation. The photos of the rooms and facilities are indicative and may not correspond to their physical condition.
    3. The consumer should in any case seek more information on the details of the services and facilities by contacting the company directly.
  4. Personal Data on the website
    1. Personal Data (including photographs) of employees, associates, and / or affiliates contained on the Website may not be copied or used elsewhere without the express express consent of the respective individuals.
  5. Intellectual property
    1. The texts, images (other than trademarks or trade marks) and videos displayed on this website are the property of the company or third parties from whom the company has obtained a license. Commercial use is prohibited unless you have obtained prior written permission from the company.
    2. Any unauthorized use of these texts, images and videos may result in the company claiming damages and / or imposing criminal sanctions.
    3. The appearance of the material on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or grant of a license or right to use or exploit it.
  6. Trademarks
    1. The trademarks or distinctive signs contained in this website and referring to third parties, do not imply the promotion, approval or proposal of the Company by the respective owners or users thereof.
    2. With the exception of the registered trademark of the company, all other trademarks and logos displayed on the website are registered trademarks of third parties.
    3. No trademark or distinction displayed on the Website may be used without the prior written permission of its owner or user.
  7. Blog
    1. The views expressed in this blog do not necessarily represent the business nor do they encourage the purchase of specific products or services. Whichever trademark is mentioned, remains the property of its respective owner. Advice is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as advice or suggestions.
  8. ΥHyperlinks and Media (Social Networking)
    1. This website may include links that provide direct access (hyperlinks) to other websites and / or social media pages and accounts
    2. The Company has in no way participated in the configuration of these websites and does not exercise any other control measures over these websites, unless otherwise stated.
    3. The Company is not responsible for the content contained on these websites.
    4. Links to and from the website do not constitute any endorsement by the company of the parties concerned, or of their products or services, or vice versa.
  9. Data Protection Policy
    1. Personal Data Protection Policy
    2. As it is reflected on the website.
      1. By filling in personal data on this website you declare that you have the authority of this natural person to provide them to the Company
  10. Jurisdiction
    1. The courts of Thessaloniki will be responsible for any dispute.
  11. Applicable law
    1. Greek law will be applicable.
Terms and Conditions